All posts tagged as India

06 Dec

Sex, Worship and Architecture – Khajuraho, India

In Architecture,Exteriors,Photography,Travel by cgonsalv / December 6, 2015 / 1 Comment

The Khajuraho temples were built between 950 and 1050 AD. The temples represent two different religions – Jainism and Hinduism. The temples became defunct once the region was controled by Muslim dynasties from the 13th to the 18th century. During this time vegetation and the forests took over the temples.

The temples were rediscovered in the 1830s when locals guided a British surveyor to the temples.

High recommend getting a good guide when visiting this site to explain the significance of the different carvings on the wall which represent everyday life of the time when the temples were constructed.

As an Indian born Canadian who left India in my teens I found the sexual norms of the day which were far more liberal than what it is now quite fascinating. I was familiar with the Kamasutra but I didn’t expect it’s contents carved on a place of worship.

I left this place wondering what India would be like if it hadn’t been taken over by puritanism.

Enjoy the images. For best viewing click on the image to enlarge.


Khajuraho Temples-Madhya Pradesh-India-Colin Gonsalves-14

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